About Lesson
JavaScript Developers Transitioning to JSX:
If you are transitioning from JavaScript to React JSX, here are some key differences and rules to keep in mind:
1. Closing Tags:
All elements in JSX must have a closing tag. Self-closing tags like <img /> or <br /> are mandatory.
// Incorrect
// Correct
<img />
2. Use className Instead of class:
Since class is a reserved keyword in JavaScript, JSX uses className for defining CSS classes.
<div className="container"></div>
3. Inline Styles Use JavaScript Objects:
Styles in JSX must be passed as objects with camelCase property names.
const style = { backgroundColor: "blue", color: "white" };
<div style={style}>Styled Element</div>;
4. JavaScript Expressions in JSX:
Embed any JavaScript expression within {} in JSX.
const value = 42;
<p>The answer is {value}.</p>;
5. Parent Element Requirement:
JSX expressions must return a single parent element.
// Incorrect
return <h1>Title</h1><p>Subtitle</p>;
// Correct
Return (
6. Event Handlers:
Event handlers in JSX use camelCase and receive a function as the value.
<button onClick={() => alert("Clicked!")}>Click Me</button>;