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React JSX
React JSX (JavaScript XML) is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code within JavaScript. JSX makes it easier to create React components and define their structure in a more readable and declarative way.
Components in React
In React.js, components are the building blocks of a React application. They allow you to break the UI into independent, reusable pieces and think about each piece in isolation. Here's an overview of components in React:
Props in React
Props (short for properties) are a way to pass data from a parent component to a child component in React. They are read-only and cannot be modified by the child component, ensuring a unidirectional data flow.
React Events
Just like HTML DOM events, React can perform actions based on user events.React has the same events as HTML: click, change, mouseover etc.
React Conditional Rendering
React Lists
React Forms
Styling React Using CSS
React Router
React Js
About Lesson

React Lists:

In React, you will render lists with some type of loop.The JavaScript map() array method is generally the preferred method.


function Car(props) {
  return <li>I am a { props.brand }</li>;

function Garage() {
  const cars = ['Ford', 'BMW', 'Audi'];
  return (
      <h1>Who lives in my garage?</h1>
        { => <Car brand={car} />)}

Keys allow React to keep track of elements. This way, if an item is updated or removed, only that item will be re-rendered instead of the entire list.

Keys need to be unique to each sibling. But they can be duplicated globally.

Generally, the key should be a unique ID assigned to each item. As a last resort, you can use the array index as a key.


function Bikes() {
  const model = [
    {id: 1, brand: 'Ford'},
    {id: 2, brand: 'BMW'},
    {id: 3, brand: 'Audi'}
  return (
      <h1>Who lives in my garage?</h1>
        { => <Car key={} brand={bike.brand} />)}