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Different Types of Data Types?

Scalar type:

Scalar types in PHP refer to data types that can hold only a single value. PHP supports the following scalar data types:


  • Represents whole numbers without decimal points.
  • Example: $age = 25;

2.Float(Floating-point number or Double):

  • Represents number with decimal points or numbers in exponential form.
  • Example: $price = 19.79;


  • Represents sequence of characters.
  • Example: $name=”John”;


  • Represents either true or false.
  • Example $variable = null;


  • Represents a variable with no value.
  • Example: $variable = null;

Scalar type declarations can be used to specify the type of a function’s parameters and return value. This helps improve code readability and maintainability by enforcing type constraints.

Compound Types:

Compound data types in PHP are types that can hold multiple values or elements. PHP supports several compound data types,including:


  • Represents an ordered map that can obtain a collection of key-value pairs.
  • Example:

$colors = array(“red”,”green”,”blue”);


  • Represents instances of user-defined classes or built-in classes.
  • Example:
Class Person{

           public $name;

           public $age;


          $person= new Person();

          $person->name= John”;

          $person->age = 25;

Arrays are commonly used for handling collections of data, and objects allow developers to define custom data structures and behaviours through classes and instances.

PHP has a few special data types in addition to the standard scalar and compound types. These special types include:


  • Represents a special type that holds a reference to an external resource (e.g., a file, database connection).
  • Resources are created and managed by special functions, and they can be manipulated using specific functions related to the resource type.
  • Example:

$fileHandle = fopen(“example.txt”, “r”);


  • Represents a special data type with a single value, `NULL`.
  • Indicates that a variable has no value or that a function returns no value.
  • Example:

$variable = NULL;