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What is Filter inputs:

Filtering input in PHP involves using the filter_input() function to retrieve and validate data submitted by users through various input sources, such as GET, POST, COOKIE, and more. This function provides a convenient way to access and filter user input, helping to ensure data integrity and security. Here’s how you can use filter_input() effectively:

filter_input(int $type, string $variable_name [, int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT [, mixed $options ]]): mixed

  • $type: Specifies the type of input to filter. It can be one of the INPUT_* constants:
  • $variable_name: Specifies the name of the variable to retrieve.
  • $filter (optional): Specifies the ID of the filter to apply. It can be one of the predefined filter constants or FILTER_DEFAULT if no specific filter is needed.
  • $options (optional): Additional options for the filter, if applicable.


Let’s say you have a form with an input field named “email”, and you want to retrieve and validate the email input using filter_input():


$email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);

if ($email === false) {

    // Invalid email format

    echo "Invalid email address";

} elseif ($email === null) {

    // Email parameter is missing

    echo "Email parameter is missing";

} else {

    // Valid email address

    echo "Valid email address: $email";



In this example:

  • INPUT_POST: Specifies that we are retrieving the input from the POST method.
  • ’email’: Specifies the name of the input field to retrieve.
  • FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL: Specifies the filter to apply, which validates the email address format.

Key Points:

  • filter_input() returns the filtered data if the variable passes the filter, false if the variable does not pass the filter, and null if the variable is not set.
  • Always validate and sanitize user input before using it in your application to prevent security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other attacks.
  • Use appropriate filters based on the type of input being retrieved and the validation requirements.

By using filter_input() effectively, you can enhance the security and reliability of your PHP applications by ensuring that user input is properly validated and sanitized before further processing.