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PHP Fundamentals:


Like HTML, you need to have the opening tag to start PHP code:


 If you mix PHP code with HTML, you need to have the

enclosing tag:                 



  • Variables are used to store data.
  • Variables names start with a dollar sign($).
    • The first character after the dollar sign ($) must be a letter (a-z) or the underscore (_).
    • The remaining characters can be underscores, letters, or numbers.
    • PHP is loosely typed, meaning you don’t need to declare the data type of a variable.


A PHP constant is like a container that holds a value that doesn’t change. It’s like a label that you stick on something and it stays the same no matter what. It’s really handy when you have a value that you want to use over and over again without having to type it out every time. So, you can think of a PHP constant as a way to store a value that won’t change.

For example:

Let’s say you have a website and you want to set a constant for the maximum number of characters allowed in a username. You can define a PHP constant like this:



Now, whenever you need to check the maximum length of a username, you can simply use the constant

`MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH` instead of typing out the number 20 every time. It makes your code cleaner and easier to maintain.

Note: The ‘define()’ function in PHP is used to create a constant. It takes two arguments: the name of the constant and its value. For example:



In this case, we created a constant called ‘MY_CONSTANT’ with the value ‘HELLO,WORLD!’. Once defined, the constant’s value cannot be changed throughout the script. It’s a handy way to store values that won’t change.

Difference Between Define() and Constant()

So, the difference between `define()` and `constant()` in PHP is how they are used to create constants.

The `define()` function is used to define a constant by providing a name and a value, like this:


define('MY_CONSTANT', 'Hello, World!');


On the other hand, the `constant()` function is used to retrieve the value of a constant by providing its name, like this:


$value = constant('MY_CONSTANT');


So, while `define()` is used to create a constant, `constant()` is used to access the value of an existing constant.


In PHP, you can add comments to your code to make it more understandable for yourself and others who might read it. There are two types of comments in PHP:

  1. Singleline comments:

These comments start with `//` and only apply to the current line. For example:


// This is a single-line comment


2.Multiline comments:

These comments start with `/*` and end with `*/`. They can span multiple lines. For example:



This is a multi-line comment.

It can have multiple lines of text.



Comments are not executed as part of the code, so they don’t affect the functionality of your program.