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PHP Heredoc ,Type Casting and Type Juggling:

PHP Heredoc:

Heredoc is a way to define a string in PHP that allows for multiline text without having to escape special characters. It’s useful when you have a large block of text that you want to assign to a variable. To use heredoc, you start with <<< followed by an identifier, then write multiline text, and end it with the same identifier on a line by itself. Example:

‘’$myText=<<<EOT(end of text)

 This is a heredoc example.

You can write multi lines text here.

And you don’t need to escape charaters like “or’.


In this example , ‘$mytext’ will contain the multiline text enclosed between ‘<<<EOT’ and ‘EOT;’.

Type Casting:

Type casting in PHP refers to converting a variable from one data type to another.

 Here’s a simple tabular representation of basic type casting in PHP:


  • ‘(type)’ is the casting syntax. You can use the corresponding functions like ‘intval()’, ‘floatval()’, etc.
  • The data inside the parentheses is the variable or expression you want to cast.
  • Be cautious when casting from float to int, as it truncates (removal of decimal part) the decimal part.

Type Juggling:

Type juggling in PHP means that the language automatically converts variables from one data type to another when needed. For example:

$var1 = "10";      // $var1 is a string

$var2 = 5;         // $var2 is an integer

$result = $var1 + $var2; // PHP automatically converts $var1 to an integer before addition

echo $result;      // Output: 15