Course Content
State Management
Regular Expressions?
About Lesson


  1. User’s Browser: This is where a user interacts with a website.
  2. Web Server: The user’s request is first handled by a web server (e.g.,Apache or Niginx). The server may serve static content directly, but for dynamic content or PHP scripts, it passes the request to the PHP interpreter.
  3. PHP Interpreter: The PHP interpreter processes the PHP script, executes the code, and may interact with a database or other resources.
  4. PHP Script: The PHP script contains the logic for generating dynamic content or performing actions on the server. It may be including HTML, PHP code, and other assets.
  5. Database Interaction: PHP scripts often interact with databases (e.g.,MySQL) to retrieve or store data.
  6. HTTP Response: The final result, generated by the PHP script, is sent back to the web server, which then delivers it as an HTTP response to the user’s browser.
  7. Updated Web Page in Browser: The user’s browser receives the HTTP response and updates the web page accordingly.

This is a simplified overview, and in a real-world scenario, there might be additional components and interactions, such as caching, security measures, and external services.