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What is Processing Forms?

Processing forms in PHP involves handling user input submitted through HTML forms. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to process forms in PHP:

Create HTML Form:

Use HTML <form> element to create the form.

Define form method (GET or POST) and action (target PHP script).

Add input fields (text, password, textarea, select, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc.) within the form.


<form method="post" action="process.php">

<input type="text" name="username">

<input type="password" name="password">

<input type="submit" value="Submit">


Handle Form Submission in PHP:

Create a PHP script (e.g., process.php) to handle form submission.

Use $_POST or $_GET superglobal arrays to access form data submitted through POST or GET method, respectively.

Example (process.php):



    // Process form data

    $username = $_POST["username"];

    $password = $_POST["password"];

    // Perform further processing, validation, database operations, etc.



Form Data Sanitization and Validation:

Sanitize and validate user input to ensure data integrity and prevent security vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injection, XSS attacks).

Use functions like htmlspecialchars(), filter_var(), and regular expressions for data sanitization and validation.



$username = htmlspecialchars($_POST["username"]);

// Validate username

if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/", $username)) {

    // Invalid username



Handle File Uploads (if applicable):

Use <input type=”file”> for file uploads.

Set form’s enctype attribute to multipart/form-data.

Use $_FILES superglobal to access file information.



<form method="post" action="process.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">

<input type="file" name="file">

<input type="submit" value="Upload">





    $file = $_FILES["file"];

 // Process file upload



Redirect After Form Submission (PRG Pattern):

After processing form data, redirect users to another page using header() function to prevent form resubmission on page refresh.

Implement Post-Redirect-Get (PRG) pattern for better user experience.



// After processing form data

header("Location: success.php");


Display Feedback to Users:

Provide feedback messages to users after form submission (e.g., success messages, error messages).

Use sessions or query parameters to pass messages to the redirected page.



// In process.php

$_SESSION["message"] = "Form submitted successfully";

header("Location: success.php");


// In success.php

if (isset($_SESSION["message"])) {

    echo $_SESSION["message"];




Security Considerations:

Protect against CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks by using CSRF tokens.

Implement CAPTCHA for preventing automated form submissions.

Use HTTPS to secure data transmission over the network.

‘filter_has_var()’ function

The filter_has_var() function in PHP is used to check if a variable of a specified type exists in the request. It primarily serves as a validation mechanism to determine if a certain type of data, such as input from an HTML form, has been submitted.

The syntax of filter_has_var() function:

filter_has_var(int $type, string $variable_name): bool

  • $type: Specifies the type of variable to check. It can take one of the following values:
    • INPUT_GET: Checks if the variable exists in the GET request.
    • INPUT_POST: Checks if the variable exists in the post request.
    • INPUT_COOKIE: Checks if the variable exists in thr cookies.
    • INPUT_SERVER: Checks if the variable exists in the server environment variables.
    • INPUT_ENV: Checks if the variable exists in the environment variables.
  • $variable_name: Specifies the name of the variable to check.

The function returns ‘true’ if the variable of the specified type exists and has a non-null value, otherwise it returns ‘false’.

Here is an example demonstrating the usage of ‘filter_has_var()’ to check if a POST variable named “email” exists:


if (filter_has_var(INPUT_POST, 'email')) {

    echo 'The "email" variable exists in the POST request.';

} else {

    echo 'The "email" variable does not exist in the POST request.';



This function is commonly used as part of form validation processes to ensure that expected form inputs have been provided before attempting to use them. It helps improve the security and reliability of web applications by verifying input data before processing it further.

filter_var( ) function

The filter_var() function in PHP is a powerful tool for validating and sanitizing data. It checks a variable against a specified filter or validation rule and returns the filtered dataif the variablepasses th filter, or ‘false’ if the variable does not pass the filter.

Here’s the basic syntax of ‘filter_var():

filter_var ( mixed $value , int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT , array|int $options = 0 ) : mixed

  • $variable: The variable to be filtered.
  • $filter: The ID or name of the filter to apply.
  • $options: Additional options to be used depending on the filter being applied.

The function returns the filtered data if the variable passes the filter, or ‘false’ if the variable does not pass the filter.

Key points about filter_var():

  1. Filter Types:
    1. PHP provides a wide range of predefined filter types. Some common filters include:
      • FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL: Validates an email address
      • FILTER_VALIDATE_URL: Validates a URL.
      • FILTER_VALIDATE_IP: Validates an IP address.
      • FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING: Removes tags from a string.
  2. Filter Flags:
    • Flags can be used to modify the behaviour of some filters.
    • For example, you can se ‘FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW’ flag to strip characters with ASCII value less than 32 from the input.
  3. Usage:
    • For example, you can se ‘FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW’ flag to strip characters with ASCII value less than 32 from the input.

$email = "";

if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {

    echo "Valid email address";

} else {

    echo "Invalid email address";



4.Filtering Options:

  • Some filters allow additional options to be specified using the ‘$options’ parameter. For example, you can specify flags for certain filters.


  • ‘filter_var() can be used for sanitizing data as well. For instance, you can use ‘FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING’ to remove tags and encode special characters in a string.


  • ‘filter_var()’ returns the filtered dat if the variable passes the filter, or ‘false’ if the variable dose not pass the filter.

Using ‘filter_var()’ is a recommended practice for validating and sanitizing user input and other data in PHP

  1. Filtering Options:
    • Some filters allow additional options to be specified using the $options parameter. For example, you can specify flags for certain filters.
  2. Sanitization:
    • filter_var() can be used for sanitizing data as well. For instance, you can use FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING to remove tags and encode special charaters in a string.
  3. Returns:
    • filter_var() returns the filtered data if the variable passes the filter, or ‘false’ if the variable does not pass the filter.

Using ‘filter_var()’ is a recommended practice for validating and sanitizing user input and other data in PHP applications. It helps improve security and reliability by ensuring that the data meets specified criteria before being used in the application.

filter_input() function:The filter_input() function in PHP is used to get and validate external variables. It retrieves a specific external variable by name and optionally filters it according to specified rules. This function is often used to retrieve and validate user input received through GET, POST, or COOKIE variables.

Here’s the syntax of the filter_input() function:

filter_input(int $type, string $variable_name [, int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT [, mixed $options ]]): mixed

  • $type: Specifies the type of the variable to get. It can take one of the following values:
  • INPUT_GET: Retrieves a variable from the GET input.
  • INPUT_POST: Retrieves a variable from the POST input.
  • INPUT_COOKIE: Retrieves a variable from the COOKIE input.
  • INPUT_SERVER: Retrieves a variable from the SERVER input.
  • INPUT_ENV: Retrieves a variable from the ENV input.
  • $variable_name: Specifies the name of the variable to retrieve.
  • $filter (optional): Specifies the ID of the filter to apply. It can be one of the predefined filter constants or FILTER_DEFAULT if no specific filter is needed.
  • $options (optional): Additional options for the filter, if applicable.

The function returns the filtered variable value on success, or null if the variable is not set, or false if the filter fails.

Here’s an example of using filter_input() to retrieve and validate a POST variable named “email”:


$email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);

if ($email === false) {

    echo "Invalid email format";

} elseif ($email === null) {

    echo "Email parameter is missing";

} else {

    echo "Valid email address: $email";



In this example, filter_input() retrieves the value of the “email” variable from the POST input, applies the FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL filter to validate the email format, and stores the filtered value in the $email variable. Depending on the result, it outputs appropriate messages indicating whether the email is valid, missing, or invalid.

Using filter_input() helps improve the security and reliability of PHP applications by validating and filtering user input and other external variables before using them in the application logic.