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How we can work with directories :

Working with directories in PHP involves creating, reading, modifying, and deleting directories on the server’s filesystem. Here’s how you can perform various operations with directories in PHP:

  1. Creating a Directory:

To create a new directory, you can use the mkdir() function:


$directory = 'new_directory';

if (!file_exists($directory)) {


    echo "Directory $directory created successfully.";

} else {

    echo "Directory $directory already exists.";



2.Reading a Directory:

To read the contents of a directory, you can use functions like scandir():


$directory = 'some_directory';

$files = scandir($directory);

foreach ($files as $file) {

    echo "$filen";



3.Checking if a Directory Exists:

To check if a directory exists, you can use the file_exists() function:


$directory = 'existing_directory';

if (file_exists($directory)) {

    echo "Directory $directory exists.";

} else {

    echo "Directory $directory does not exist.";



4.Deleting a Directory:

To delete a directory, you can use the rmdir() function:


$directory = 'directory_to_delete';

if (file_exists($directory)) {


    echo "Directory $directory deleted successfully.";

} else {

    echo "Directory $directory does not exist.";



5.Recursive Directory Deletion:

To delete a directory and its contents recursively, you can use a custom function or third-party libraries like



function deleteDirectory($dir) {

    if (!is_dir($dir)) {

        return false;


    $files = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..'));

    foreach ($files as $file) {

        (is_dir("$dir/$file")) ? deleteDirectory("$dir/$file") : unlink("$dir/$file");


    return rmdir($dir);



6.Changing Directory Permissions:

To change directory permissions, you can use the chmod() function:

$directory = 'some_directory';

chmod($directory, 0755); // Change permissions to 755

7.Changing Directory Ownership:

To change directory ownership, you can use the chown() and chgrp() functions:

$directory = 'some_directory';

chown($directory, 'newowner');

chgrp($directory, 'newgroup');


  • Always ensure proper error handling and permission checks when working with directories.
  • Be cautious when deleting directories recursively to avoid unintentional data loss.
  • Verify permissions and ownership before making changes to directories.

Working with directories in PHP allows you to manage files and organize data efficiently on the server’s filesystem. By understanding directory operations and applying best practices, you can build robust PHP applications that interact effectively with directories and files.

Glob( ) function

In PHP, the glob() function is used to retrieve an array of file names or directory paths that match a specified pattern. It is helpful for searching for files or directories based on wildcard patterns like asterisks (*) and question marks (?).


array glob ( string $pattern [, int $flags = 0 ] )

  • $pattern: Specifies the pattern to match against files or directories.
  • $flags: Optional. Additional flags that can modify the behavior of the glob() function.


// Retrieve all PHP files in the current directory

$phpFiles = glob('*.php');

// Retrieve all files starting with 'file' in the 'files' directory

$filesStartingWithFile = glob('files/file*');

// Retrieve all directories in the current directory

$directories = glob('*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);


The second parameter, $flags, allows you to specify additional options for the glob() function. Some commonly used flags include:

  • GLOB_MARK: Adds a slash to directory entries.
  • GLOB_ONLYDIR: Returns only directory entries.
  • GLOB_BRACE: Expands {} syntax to multiple patterns.
  • GLOB_NOSORT: Returns files as they appear in the directory.


  • The pattern can include wildcards (* for any string and ? for any single character).
  • You can specify relative or absolute paths in the pattern.
  • If no files or directories match the pattern, glob() returns an empty array.
  • Be cautious with the pattern as it can match unintended files if not specified carefully.

Here’s a brief overview of how you can use glob() to retrieve files or directories based on patterns, making it a versatile function for file system operations in PHP.

Dirname( ) function

In PHP, the dirname() function is used to retrieve the directory name component of a given path. It returns the directory portion of the path, excluding the filename or the last component of the path.


string dirname ( string $path )

  • $path: Specifies the path from which you want to extract the directory name.


$path = '/path/to/some/file.txt';

$directory = dirname($path);

echo "Directory: $directory"; // Output: /path/to/some


  • If the provided path contains no slashes, dirname() returns . (the current directory).
  • If the provided path ends with a slash, the trailing slash is removed before extracting the directory name.
  • The function returns false if an error occurs, such as an invalid path.

Use Cases:

  • It’s commonly used to extract the directory portion of a file path, which can be useful for tasks such as determining the parent directory of a file or constructing new file paths.
  • It’s handy for manipulating file paths or working with file system operations.

Here’s a brief overview of how you can use dirname() to extract directory names from paths in PHP, making it a useful function for various file system tasks.