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State Management
Regular Expressions?
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State Management?


  • Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the client’s browser.
  • They are sent with every HTTP request to the server, including subsequent page requests and AJAX calls.
  • Cookies are commonly used to store user preferences, session identifiers, shopping cart contents, and other temporary data.
  • Cookies have a limited size (typically 4KB per domain) and are not suitable for storing large amounts of data or sensitive information.
  • They can be set with an expiration time, after which they are automatically deleted by the client’s browser.
  • Cookies can be accessed and manipulated using JavaScript on the client-side and PHP on the server-side.


  • Sessions are server-side storage mechanisms used to store user data across multiple requests during a user’s visit to a website.
  • A unique session identifier (usually a session cookie) is sent to the client’s browser, which is then used to retrieve the corresponding session data stored on the server.
  • Sessions are more secure than cookies because the data is stored on the server, and only the session ID is sent to the client.
  • Session data can store more information compared to cookies and is not limited by the size constraints of cookies.
  • Session data persists until the session is explicitly destroyed or expires (based on server-side configuration).
  • PHP uses session handling functions (session_start(), $_SESSION, session_destroy()) to manage sessions and session data.

In summary, cookies are lightweight data storage mechanisms stored on the client’s browser, while sessions are server-side storage mechanisms used to maintain state across multiple requests during a user’s visit to a website. Both cookies and sessions are essentia