Course Content
How to Add a Virtual Environment in Python
Magic Methods
About Lesson

Creating and using a virtual environment is a crucial step in Python development. It helps keep project dependencies isolated, ensuring that different projects don’t interfere with each other. Below is a step-by-step guide to creating and managing a virtual environment in Python 3.12.

1. Install Python (if not already installed)

  • First, make sure Python 3.12 (or your desired version) is installed on your system.
  • To check if Python is installed, open a terminal or command prompt and run:
python --version

2. Create the Virtual Environment

  • Use Python’s built-in venv module to create a virtual environment. Run the following command:
c:\digital>python -m venv path/to/your/folder/virtualenvironmentname

Ex- C:\Users\Digital>python -m venv d:/python/learning-python/mypyvenv

3. Activate the Virtual Environment

After creating the virtual environment, you need to activate it.

  • On Windows (PowerShell):