Course Content
Detailed Content of Programming in C
Structure of C program
Answers of ‘C’ Pointers Programs
About Lesson

Programs using Conditional Statements:

1. Write a program that takes an integer as input and determines whether it’s even or odd.

2. Create a program that checks if a given year is a leap year or not.

3. Develop a program that takes a student’s percentage as input and assigns a grade based on the following criteria:

90% and above: A
80% to 89%: B
70% to 79%: C
60% to 69%: D
Below 60%: F

4. Write a program that takes a number as input and outputs its absolute value.

5. Create a program that takes three numbers as input and determines the largest among them.

6. Develop a program that takes a character as input and determines whether it’s an uppercase letter, lowercase letter, or a digit.

7. Extend the quadratic equation solver program to handle cases where the roots are real, equal, or complex.

8. Write a program that takes a character as input and determines whether it’s a vowel or a consonant.

9. Create a program that takes an integer as input and determines whether it’s positive, negative, or zero.