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Bootstrap 5 Alerts
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Bootstrap 5 offers a wide range of colors that you can use to style your website. The latest version of Bootstrap has introduced a new color system based on CSS custom properties (variables) which makes it easier to customize and extend. Here are the default color variables provided by Bootstrap 5:

  1. Primary Color: This is the main color used for most elements, such as buttons and links. The default primary color is #0d6efd.
  2. Secondary Color: This color is used to complement the primary color. The default secondary color is #6c757d.
  3. Success, Danger, Warning, Info: These are contextual colors used for various alerts and messages. Their default colors are:
    • Success: #198754
    • Danger: #dc3545
    • Warning: #ffc107
    • Info: #0dcaf0
  4. Light and Dark: These are used for background colors in different contexts. Their default colors are:
    • Light: #f8f9fa
    • Dark: #212529
  5. White and Black: These are used as text colors against dark or light backgrounds. Their default colors are:
    • White: #fff
    • Black: #000

These color variables are used throughout Bootstrap’s components and utilities. You can easily customize these colors by overriding the default values in your own CSS or Sass files.